Hi, welcome to my website.
It's me, Ratih Adiputri
I am a university lecturer (international development studies) and a senior researcher/postdoc level (political science, education, development studies and history) at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. I am researching interdisciplinary research as seen below. Currently, I am finalizing my book manuscript on the role of Southeast Asian parliaments in the sustainable development goals. I am now in a member at the research projects of "United Nations and Legitimacy (my focus on the UN's development pillar, especially on climate crisis)" (2023-2025) and "Palm Oil and paradigm shift in Indonesia and EU", (2024-2027), both funded by the Kone Foundation.
I love reading and writing. I contribute to write op-ed articles for Kompas daily (Indonesia) and Politiikasta. My popular book about Finnish education system has been published in Indonesian language (KPG Jakarta, 2019) and I had been writing topics of teachers’ education (KPG Jakarta, 2023). I write many topics from politics, education, development, even on migrated (Indonesian) women.
I also participate in G20 ThinkTank, writing a Policy Brief as a team member with researchers from Finland, Indonesia and Japan, about Aquaculture in a sustainable way.
My research interests are related to:
Contact me, in email: [email protected]
Recent publications/presentations:
- Observation on Palm Oil (Nov 2024) Governing the Palm Oil Complexity – Politiikasta
- My talk at the University of Jyväskylä, 2023 Cultivating Change Through Global and Sustainable Education (GloseNet) - Insights into Finnish Education (google.com)
- Parliaments, Estates and Representation 9.8.2024 www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02606755.2024.2380551
-Politiikasta 26.3.2024 Indonesia election 2024: Democratic Regression and Nepotism – Politiikasta
- (2023) "Climate Change, Peace, and Language Usage in the United Nations Reports within the ASEAN Style of Multilateralism". Indonesian Journal of Social Research, vol 5, issue 3 (Dec) DOI: https://doi.org/10.30997/ijsr.v5i3.385
- Kompas 11.12.2023 PISA 2022 dan Refleksi Pendidikan Indonesia www.kompas.id/baca/opini/2023/12/10/pisa-2022-dan-refleksi-pendidikan-indonesia?open_from=Search_Result_Page
- Empowering Teachers in Indonesia 24.11.2023. Jamk Arena Pro Empowering Teachers in Indonesia - Jamk-arena
- Kompas 14.10.2023 Tentang Literasi Tentang Literasi - Kompas.id
- Kompas 25.5.2023: Kemenangan dan Rangking Kemenangan dan Ranking - Kompas.id
- My second book had published on 17 May 2023, and this is the 'soft lauch' informing about the book content Belajar Cara Mengajar di Finlandia - YouTube
- Politiikasta 4.4.2023: Multilateralism from Southeast Asia Multilateralism from Southeast Asia – Politiikasta
- Kompas 12.4.2023: Memahami Keterwakilan Politik Memahami Keterwakilan Politik - Kompas.id
- Kompas 11.1.2023: Mengurangi Kesenjangan Pendidikan Mengurangi Kesenjangan Pendidikan - Kompas.id
- Politiikasta 3.11.2022 G20 and Indonesian Presidency G20 and Indonesian Presidency – Politiikasta
- Kompas 8.10.2022: Meningkatkan Literasi dengan Fiksi www.kompas.id/baca/opini/2022/10/05/meningkatkan-literasi-dengan-fiksi
- Kompas 31.7. 2022 (in Indonesian language): Ilusi Media Sosial Ilusi Media Sosial - Kompas.id
- Webinar on Finnish Education System with SKB community (22 April 2022) SISTEM PENDIDIKAN DI FINLANDIA BERSAMA RATIH D. ADIPUTRI (DOSEN UNIVERSITAS DI FINLANDIA) - YouTube
- Kompas (2022, in Indonesian language): Learning Loss masa pandemi ”Learning Loss” di Masa Pandemi - Kompas.id
- IG Live Tempo Institute (2022, in Indonesian language): Women and diaspora www.instagram.com/tv/Ca1rph-BX4k/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
- Youtube webinar (October 2021, in Indonesian language): PGRI Yogyakarta SEMINAR INTERNASIONAL TRANSFORMASI GURU MENUJU PEMBELAJARAN MENYENANGKAN - YouTube
It's me, Ratih Adiputri
I am a university lecturer (international development studies) and a senior researcher/postdoc level (political science, education, development studies and history) at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. I am researching interdisciplinary research as seen below. Currently, I am finalizing my book manuscript on the role of Southeast Asian parliaments in the sustainable development goals. I am now in a member at the research projects of "United Nations and Legitimacy (my focus on the UN's development pillar, especially on climate crisis)" (2023-2025) and "Palm Oil and paradigm shift in Indonesia and EU", (2024-2027), both funded by the Kone Foundation.
I love reading and writing. I contribute to write op-ed articles for Kompas daily (Indonesia) and Politiikasta. My popular book about Finnish education system has been published in Indonesian language (KPG Jakarta, 2019) and I had been writing topics of teachers’ education (KPG Jakarta, 2023). I write many topics from politics, education, development, even on migrated (Indonesian) women.
I also participate in G20 ThinkTank, writing a Policy Brief as a team member with researchers from Finland, Indonesia and Japan, about Aquaculture in a sustainable way.
My research interests are related to:
- Political science and international relations (parliament/representation, institutions, world politics, political theory, history of political thought, democracy)
- History: multilateralism, legitimacy, global affairs
- Southeast Asia (Global South) and ASEAN
- Development studies, notably on sustainability or Sustainable Development Goals/SDG, including policies of development both from the EU and Indonesia/Southeast Asia.
- Global educational from non-Western perspectives, including (professional) teachers' education, international education policies and practices, curriculum, assessment, learning, and pedagogy based on education system in Finland.
- Women, migration and diaspora
Contact me, in email: [email protected]
Recent publications/presentations:
- Observation on Palm Oil (Nov 2024) Governing the Palm Oil Complexity – Politiikasta
- My talk at the University of Jyväskylä, 2023 Cultivating Change Through Global and Sustainable Education (GloseNet) - Insights into Finnish Education (google.com)
- Parliaments, Estates and Representation 9.8.2024 www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02606755.2024.2380551
-Politiikasta 26.3.2024 Indonesia election 2024: Democratic Regression and Nepotism – Politiikasta
- (2023) "Climate Change, Peace, and Language Usage in the United Nations Reports within the ASEAN Style of Multilateralism". Indonesian Journal of Social Research, vol 5, issue 3 (Dec) DOI: https://doi.org/10.30997/ijsr.v5i3.385
- Kompas 11.12.2023 PISA 2022 dan Refleksi Pendidikan Indonesia www.kompas.id/baca/opini/2023/12/10/pisa-2022-dan-refleksi-pendidikan-indonesia?open_from=Search_Result_Page
- Empowering Teachers in Indonesia 24.11.2023. Jamk Arena Pro Empowering Teachers in Indonesia - Jamk-arena
- Kompas 14.10.2023 Tentang Literasi Tentang Literasi - Kompas.id
- Kompas 25.5.2023: Kemenangan dan Rangking Kemenangan dan Ranking - Kompas.id
- My second book had published on 17 May 2023, and this is the 'soft lauch' informing about the book content Belajar Cara Mengajar di Finlandia - YouTube
- Politiikasta 4.4.2023: Multilateralism from Southeast Asia Multilateralism from Southeast Asia – Politiikasta
- Kompas 12.4.2023: Memahami Keterwakilan Politik Memahami Keterwakilan Politik - Kompas.id
- Kompas 11.1.2023: Mengurangi Kesenjangan Pendidikan Mengurangi Kesenjangan Pendidikan - Kompas.id
- Politiikasta 3.11.2022 G20 and Indonesian Presidency G20 and Indonesian Presidency – Politiikasta
- Kompas 8.10.2022: Meningkatkan Literasi dengan Fiksi www.kompas.id/baca/opini/2022/10/05/meningkatkan-literasi-dengan-fiksi
- Kompas 31.7. 2022 (in Indonesian language): Ilusi Media Sosial Ilusi Media Sosial - Kompas.id
- Webinar on Finnish Education System with SKB community (22 April 2022) SISTEM PENDIDIKAN DI FINLANDIA BERSAMA RATIH D. ADIPUTRI (DOSEN UNIVERSITAS DI FINLANDIA) - YouTube
- Kompas (2022, in Indonesian language): Learning Loss masa pandemi ”Learning Loss” di Masa Pandemi - Kompas.id
- IG Live Tempo Institute (2022, in Indonesian language): Women and diaspora www.instagram.com/tv/Ca1rph-BX4k/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
- Youtube webinar (October 2021, in Indonesian language): PGRI Yogyakarta SEMINAR INTERNASIONAL TRANSFORMASI GURU MENUJU PEMBELAJARAN MENYENANGKAN - YouTube